Best Countries in the World
Canada may not have the largest population, nor the biggest army, and may not have the biggest economy. But what this Great North strong and free has is good people, good economy, amazing natural areas, and diverse culture. In Canada any man, woman, or child who immigrates may get dual citizenship allowing them to further express themselves in the our Great cultural mosaic. Better to be a vibrant individual of Canada, than be another bit of grey slop in the American melting pot. The Canadians conquered Vimy Ridge when no other could, we fought for the allies in WWII. Also, if American is "so good" then why do they always use Canadian cities to represent American cities in their "good" films? Also the Canadian Political system is superior to the American for the reason that if the Prime Minister says there is something that should be done, it is then done! None of the pointless banter between a congress and a president. Should be leaving the U.S. in the dust, along with it's overt racism, and it's phobia of any form of benefit for the general populous. If the U.S. get a free health care system, they may have a fleeting chance, but honestly, I think they should stop being hypocritical, and try using there own oil for once! Stop going to other countries for work forces, that might beat the unemployment problems there!
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